The French One

30 juillet 2008


It's been a really long while since I've updated this blog..
I do update my French blog but not that one.. strangely

summer summer summer.. we all love it when it comes, but yet, I'm hating it .. You know .. the weather is too warm for me, lol. Where I'm living, we always have a rainy & cloudy weather.. Maybe that's why I'm used to low temp. lol. Anyway, summer holidays are here to earn some money before going back to uni .. I'm working in a company that processes frozen foods, that means minus 23°Celsius (-23°C) !!! yeah yeah you read it right lol ..
I'm loving it to be honest, for some people I'm crazy, but ... it's just the right temp :p
Though, I'm not 24/7 in it, I'm working in an office as a "logistics assistant" .. lol and the official name for this job is "administrative agent of logistics" but to me it looks too ... hmm.. like I'm showing-off ... I'm kinda loving this job ^^

Anyway.. I hope I'll have some real vacations ! like going abroad with friends :D

Cheers all

Luv ya'll, xoxo