The French One

05 août 2006


So it is that dear Bambi opened way for me to join his show... lol :D...:p

I'll be called TripleTee around here... greetings to everyone...
I'd be glad to help out where I can... ;)

Some Random Thoughts:

1. Why do insects exist? (don't ask where that came from, I just honestly keep asking myself)
2. What's the 6th sense?
3. They say men aren't good at doing more than 1 thing at a time?... true?
4. I might be the type who writes a lot rather than shows pics... in other french blogs I see most of them are full of pics... why's that bambi? :p Are they more into visuals? :p

That's it for now... till next time

Current state: nervous (HEAC acceptance announcements may be soon)... :os... keep your fingers crossed.

1°) insect are here to annoy u (like flies)
2°)the 6th sense is in ur brain ...
3°)it depend what the thing is (looool)
4°)well i don't know but there is french blog where u can find more txt than pix through it seems that french ppl dont like to bother in reading it ...


04 août 2006


i found some nice pix that i just wanted to show u lol

first one :

It's very sad but in the same time very true ...

2nd :

this should be 'install' on every babies :p héhé

last one :

it mean : "if i was god i would resign" "... so that no one will fight in my name"

no comments on that pix for me