The French One

13 juin 2006


my lil story ...

Before i didnt like forums and that kind of stuff i was on a french one and i was sooo bored that i leave it, i only stayed few weeks on it with not more than 100 posts!!
And one day i was on google searching for forum & chats ( c how much i was bored^^) and i found out some english one ... i knew that was just a waste of my time bcoz they were all strange lol and this englishsabla catch my eyes cause i didnt know that word "sabla" which indeed isnt english at all lol it's arabic and it mean (corect me if i'm wrong) ~living-room ... so i look at this forum and i was like WTH are they saying lol loads of stuff in arabic and i looked in which section i was .. i was in religion 'sabla' and was woow there are loads of arabic ppl in that forum BUT that's 3000% normal :p cause that 'english' forum simply comes from Oman (an arabic country) at the beginning it was an arabic forum then it become well not become but the arabic one 'follow his life' and an english one was created ....
sooo i dunno why but i'm a bit addict to it i'm on it since august 2005 which is a looong while for me but peoplpe over there are really nice and i love to speak with different ppl and "englishsabla = diversity ; diversity = different ppl " it's easy and it work ! if u like to meet new ppl then u must go there, trust me. Members are quite nice but some are just ... there are no words to describe them i mean they are just here to annoy everyone they can't talk they only can be rude to anyone who pass by.. how weird ! poor mods and assist-admin lol oh btw they doing great job there but sometimes members are not really 'gentil' with them but HEY wake up man they are human like you and me they have feeling & point of view, their own and dont forget that they cannot be the same as yours .. oh well stupidity is allowed :p
'only english is allowed' LOL i've seen that soooo much times but members didnt understand that i think even mods ! but that's normal that they dont they anything cause they understand it (arabic) but when they dont understand whats type on the thread they go RULES ARE RULES lol i like that that make me laugh lol but we can reproached them to be human can we ? anyway they do a great job there to keep the forum addictive :p and that's one of the good point of this forum.
members from all over the world .... tell me where can i find that ? well for the moment i found that forum i'm talking with loads of ppl from different country and try to understand their culture and everything but the most difficult for me it's to understand their religion but after all i dont like them for their religion but i love them for what they are :D
lol anyway to cut it short i invite u to have a look at it ... and feel free to join its beautiful &
diversified community :D

----->> <<-----

i'm amaze by the long text i just typed lol in my french blog i dont type that much LOL i love u all :)


(clic on the pix to c it clearly)

English is currently one of the most widely spoken and written languages worldwide, with some 380 million native speackers. Only Chinese and Hindi have more native speakers while Spanich is similar in number. English is also the most widely spoken of the Germanic language. It has lingua franca status in many parts of the world, due to the military, economic, scientific, political and cultural influence of the British empire in the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and that of the United States from the second world war to the present.

Because English is so widely spoken, it has often been referred to as a "global language". While English is not an official language in many countries, it is currently the language most often taught as a second language around the world. It is also, by international treaty, the official language for aircraft/airport and maritime communication, as well as being one of the official languages of both the European union and the United nation, and of most international athletic organizations, including the Olympic commitee.


12 juin 2006


the sleeping beauty :p ohhhh god i so damn love that pic :p
r u still saying " i bet u can't" ? loool
luv ya hun ...

11 juin 2006


People are stupid sometimes.
Take a look at the photo . This girl got it into her head to get a tattoo done...

Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against tattoos per se. I think they can be quite artistic, and sometimes quite sexy.

Anyway. This girl wants to get a tattoo, and for some obscure reason, she decides to have a chinese character tattooed on her neck. She goes to the tattoo parlour, pick a sign that says love (alledgedly), has it done.

Obviously one should check before having the tattoo done... Obviously!... As it turns out that sign does not mean love... it means... it means... Horse!

Yeepee! Here's a hapy girl... She may be cute, she may be ugly... Who cares... She's got horse writen on her neck... I guess it may be an invitation to be ridden up the rear...

Oh well....


That's completely TRUE ... i hate racists ppl

Racism may be expressed individually and consciously, through explicit thoughts, feelings, or acts, or socially and unconsciously, through institutions that promote inequalities among "races", as in institutional racism. The concept of "Hate speech" has been created in order to prosecute discriminative discourse, which may be penalized in various countries (US, European countries such as France...)

  • The ICERD (International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) defines racism as follows:
    “Any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise, on equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, or any other field of public life.”

my friends

the pix say it all .. i love all my friends white/black/brown/red/purple/... just love them for what they are not for they skin's color or religion or nationality or beliefs or whatever ..


Do you have any idea ? ... tell them here :D


1- first name: nicolas
2- nickname: momo, bambi, nico
3- age: 18
4- gender:male
5- DOB: **/**/****
6- color of ur eyes: brown/green
7- with whom u r ok in ur familly: everyone
8- astro ? scorpio (the best)
9- what do u like to do on ur weekend or holiday: got out with my friends and my computer
10- ur biggest fear ? loose my mum
11- best trade u like : vans, spitfire, diesel, quicksilver...
12- piercing ?: no
13- best song ?: sans (re)pere but english rock in general ^^
14- fav singer: matthew bellamy
15- best place for ur holiday: england lol
16- fav color: yellow and purple
17- fav alcohol drink: LOOL vodka /red bull
18- fav number : 17
19- white or black : black
20- calm or angry: calm
21- the worst: ur Q ^^
22- the best feeling : friendship
23- fav sport: badminton
24- if u were an animal : i'm already one ..
25- if u can live on another century ?: 23rd
26- what do u think about before sleeping : about what happend during the day
27- things that u would bring on a lost island : a person ^^
28- do u trsut ghost : no
29- fav hour : 17h11
30- your principal quality : nice (i think)
31- ur fav movie: mais ou est donc passé la 7eme compani mdrr :p
32- fav underwear: caleçon
33- what do u do to calm down: to strike in a wall (lool)
34- do u have imaginary friends: no
35- ur bedromm is on fire what do u save first: my computer and all my pix
36- do u sleep with a teddy bear or something else ?: it depned if i'm on my bed or not
37- have u ever been really really drunk that u "pass out"?: mmh no
38- have u ever took a "midnight bath": no
39- if u can have a tatoo what and where would it be ?: the egyptian cross (ankh -> life's key) on my calf
40- first thing u do when u come from school: switch my pc on :p
41- do u trust on christmast father: lol no
42- who's the maddest: the person who think s/he's perfect
43- Who you would see for councils: Julie
44- who's the strangest: benjamin (PTDRR)
45- ur shower gel : it depends ... adidas for the moment
46- who do u love the most : my mum
47- places u hods the most: my school unfortunately....
48- what do u do when u'r not at school: i sleep, i go out, i'm on my computer
49- hot, cold or tepid: tepid
50- u'r from the morning or evening : from the night :p
51- do u drink alcohol or not : ya a bit
52- ur destok: depends on my mood
53- Salted or sweetened: salted
54- big talker or big heart : i'll say big heart but u must ask the others...
55- rain or good weather: good weather
56- winter or summer : summer
57- what would u do with ur best friend : i'll go around the world :)
58- what do u think the others think of u the first time they meet u : WTH is that thing
59- ************* lol

mélanie, romain & me

i'm speechless lol
i dunno what to say
i just love them so much :D


who don't know this rock band ??

it's a fantastic group i love their music but their newest album (which is only on internet ^^) is a bit different
they were playing rock before but this one .. i dunno what is it lol
for the moment we can only find some songs and well just listen to it lol clic here to download the song


Since loads of ppl asked me to do an english blog because they don't understand my french one .. i'm doing one here :)
so if u'r on this blog i'm sure u know who i am but nevertheless i'll introduce myself :p

soo .. that's me

i'm a french, (one in 6,000,000,000 others on the world :p ) and i really like to speak english that's why i'm in an english forum which is indeed not english but omani lol ...

i'm 18 & i live in the middle of nowhere ^^